Master the Art of Business with the Personal MBA: A Comprehensive Review

If you’ve ever considered pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) but were put off by the cost and time commitment, you’re not alone. Enter the Personal MBA, a ground breaking book by Josh Kaufman which is aimed at providing readers with a comprehensive business education without the hefty price tag. In this Personal MBA review, I’ll share my personal experience with the book, discuss its pros and cons, and ultimately rate it out of 5 stars.

Overview of the Personal MBA:

The Personal MBA, written by bestselling author and business consultant Josh Kaufman, is a comprehensive guide to business principles, concepts, and practices designed to give readers a solid understanding of how businesses operate. The book covers a wide range of topics, from marketing and sales to operations and finance. It is divided into six main sections, each focusing on a specific area of business knowledge:

  1. Value Creation: This section explores the fundamentals of creating value for customers, including identifying customer needs, designing valuable products and services, and iterating to improve offerings.
  2. Marketing: Kaufman delves into the world of marketing, discussing strategies for attracting attention, building trust, and persuading potential customers to make a purchase.
  3. Sales: In this section, readers learn about the sales process, including building relationships, overcoming objections, and closing deals.
  4. Value Delivery: Kaufman discusses the importance of delivering value consistently and effectively, covering topics such as project management, process improvement, and quality control.
  5. Finance: This section provides a comprehensive overview of business finance, including accounting principles, financial metrics, and investment strategies.
  6. The Human Mind: The final section of the Personal MBA explores the psychology of business, examining topics such as decision-making, motivation, and persuasion.

Pros of The Personal MBA

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: The Personal MBA provides a broad and in-depth overview of essential business topics, making it an excellent resource for aspiring entrepreneurs, managers, and professionals looking to improve their business acumen. By covering a wide range of subjects, the book gave me a well-rounded education that rivals that of traditional MBA programs.
  2. Accessible Language: Kaufman writes in a clear and engaging style that makes complex business concepts easy to understand. The book avoids jargon and technical language, making it accessible to readers from diverse backgrounds and levels of experience.
  3. Practical Application: The Personal MBA emphasizes the practical application of business principles, offering actionable advice and strategies that I was able to implement in my businesses. Throughout the book, Kaufman shares real-world examples and case studies that illustrate how the concepts can be applied in various industries and situations.
  4. Cost-effective Alternative: Pursuing a traditional MBA can be expensive and time-consuming. The Personal MBA offers a more affordable and flexible alternative, which allowed me to acquire a solid business education at my own pace and without the financial burden of a formal degree program.
  5. Focus on Self-Education: The book encourages readers to take charge of their own education and emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning. This approach empowers readers to continually update their knowledge and skills, adapting to the ever-changing business landscape.

Cons of The Personal MBA:

  1. Lack of Networking Opportunities: One of the primary benefits of traditional MBA programs is the opportunity to network with classmates, professors, and alumni. The Personal MBA, being a self-study program, does not offer these same networking opportunities, which some readers may view as a drawback.
  2. Limited Depth in Some Areas: While the Personal MBA covers a wide range of topics, it does not delve deeply into every subject. Some readers may find that certain areas, such as finance or operations, are covered more briefly than they would like. For those seeking in-depth knowledge in a specific field, additional resources may be necessary.
  3. No Formal Credential: Although the Personal MBA provides a comprehensive business education, it does not result in a formal degree or certification. For some individuals, particularly those pursuing careers in certain industries or companies, this lack of formal recognition may be a disadvantage.
  4. Requires Self-Discipline: As a self-study program, the Personal MBA requires a significant amount of self-discipline and motivation to complete. Some readers may struggle with maintaining the necessary focus and commitment without the structure and support provided by a traditional MBA program.


In conclusion, I found the Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman to be an incredibly valuable resource for those seeking a comprehensive and accessible business education as the book covers a wide range of essential topics and offers practical, actionable advice that can be applied in various professional settings. Kaufman’s engaging writing style and focus on self-education make the Personal MBA an enjoyable and empowering read.

However, it’s important to recognize that the Personal MBA is not a perfect substitute for a traditional MBA program. The lack of networking opportunities, limited depth in some areas, and absence of a formal credential may be drawbacks for some readers. Additionally, the self-study nature of the program requires a high level of self-discipline and motivation.

Despite these limitations, I believe that the Personal MBA is a valuable resource for aspiring entrepreneurs, managers, and professionals looking to improve their business acumen and advance their careers. The book offers a cost-effective and flexible alternative to traditional MBA programs, empowering readers to take charge of their own education and cultivate a lifelong learning mindset.

With all factors considered, I would rate the Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman 4 out of 5 stars and for those willing to invest the time and effort, this book can serve as a powerful tool for developing the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in today’s competitive business environment.


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